House Liquor Control Committee Hearing to Explore Conversion of Old Hotel Licenses

July 18, 2019

WHAT: The House Liquor Control Committee will hold a public hearing in Philadelphia regarding legislation to permit owners of old hotel licenses to convert them to restaurant liquor licenses. House Bill 1617 would give owners of hotel licenses, issued prior to 1949, a window during which they could apply to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to convert them to restaurant licenses. The move would give the licensees greater flexibility in the transferability of the licenses.

WHO: Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks), sponsor of House Bill 1617, will testify regarding his legislation. Also testifying will be Rod Diaz, chief counsel, PA Liquor Control Board; Mick Owens of Mick’s All-American Pub, on behalf of the PA Restaurant and Lodging Association; and Tom Tyler of McStew’s Irish Pub, on behalf of the PA Licensed Beverage and Tavern Association.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 23, at 10 a.m.

WHERE: The Liberty View Independence Visitor Center, 599 Market St., Philadelphia.


Media contact: Donna Pinkham, 717.260.6452,

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