Portion of Bucks Road to be Named in Honor of Hometown Hero
August 12, 2019
WHAT: A group of area lawmakers will hold a ceremony to dedicate a portion of PA Route 563 in Bucks County in honor of a World War II machine gunner from Bucks County, who was killed in action.
WHO: Reps. Craig Staats (R-Bucks), Wendy Ullman (D-Bucks), Sens. Bob Mensch (R-24) and Steve Santarsiero (D-10).
WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 17, at 11 a.m.
WHERE: Route 563 between PA Route 313 and Old Bethlehem Road. Members of the public who wish to attend can park for free at Becker’s Corner, located at 10 Old Bethlehem Road, Quakertown, and walk to the event.
Media contact: Donna Pinkham, 717.260.6452, dpinkham@pahousegop.com
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