Staats Votes to End Statewide Disaster Emergency
June 10, 2020
HARRISBURG – Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) voted with the bipartisan majority in the House last evening on a resolution to end Gov. Tom Wolf’s statewide emergency declaration, which would enable Pennsylvania businesses and residents to go back to work.
“While it remains to be seen whether House Resolution 836 will be challenged, it was necessary for us to move forward on behalf of the many small businesses hanging on by a thread and families and individuals – some still waiting for unemployment assistance – struggling every day to pay their bills and survive,” said Staats. “I think business owners and residents understand that we all need to remain vigilant about the very real health concerns of COVID-19 and continue to wear masks, practice social distancing and adhere to other health and safety protocols. I encourage all Bucks County businesses to work with our county health department for further direction on how to operate safely and responsibly.
“State government is comprised of three co-equal branches, but, in this case, the governor acted unilaterally without consulting the General Assembly and forced a shutdown of our schools and the state’s economy for 90 days,” said Staats. “He recently renewed the disaster emergency for another 90 days. The citizens of Pennsylvania and our small businesses simply cannot afford this.”
House Resolution 836 is not subject to veto action by the governor. However, he has vowed to fight it. Upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and newspapers across the Commonwealth, the emergency declaration will end unless challenged in the courts.
“The disaster emergency declaration served its purpose of flattening the curve of COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth and preventing our hospitals and health care systems from being overwhelmed, but it has come at a heavy cost. While we must continue to protect public health, we must also work to preserve jobs and our economic health. It is time to safely reopen our businesses and let residents go back to their jobs and reclaim their lives,” Staats said.
Representative Craig Staats
145th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
717.260.6452 /
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