Bucks Republicans Announce Health Hearing on Vaccine Rollout

January 28, 2021

HARRISBURG - The Bucks County House Republican Caucus today announced that the House Health Committee will hold a hearing into COVID-19 vaccination distribution in Pennsylvania.  

The hearing, which will take place Feb. 1, at 9 a.m., will be streamed live at this link: pahousegop.com.   Among those expected to testify are representatives of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. 

While none of the seven Bucks representatives is a member of the committee, they commend the committee for their work on this very important topic.

“This is a critical first step into understanding why Pennsylvania is lagging the nation in getting the COVID-19 vaccines into the arms of Pennsylvanians who desperately want protection from this deadly virus,” said Rep. Wendi Thomas (R-Richboro).  “I want to thank the Health Committee for taking this step to gather the information we need to keep the vaccination distribution on track.” 

“This hearing will tell us where the weaknesses are in the state distribution system and hopefully provide a path for moving forward efficiently,” said Frank Farry (R-Langhorne).

“This is what our constituents have been demanding,” said Rep. KC Tomlinson (R-Bensalem).  “They want to know why it is taking so long, not just to get the vaccine, but for the state Health Department to unveil a plan and a timetable.”  

“This is one issue that we must not take lightly,” said Rep. Meghan Schroeder (R- Warminster). “We have witnessed this pandemic wreak havoc on lives in our communities and across the state. Our people have waited patiently for this vaccine. We understand their frustrations. There must be changes.”

“I don’t understand why the rate of vaccine distribution is not only alarmingly slow, but why there has been minimal explanation about it,” said Rep. Todd Polinchock (R-Chalfont). “The people of the Commonwealth deserve better and I hope there is a quick solution around the corner.”  

“The reality is, unless we get a majority of Pennsylvanians vaccinated—and vaccinated quickly-- we will delay getting to herd immunity, which will continue to cripple our economy and slow our children’s educational development,” said Rep. Craig Staats (R-Quakertown). “And worse of all, more lives will be lost.”

“We face no greater issue right now,” said Rep. Shelby Labs (R-Doylestown).  “We need a plan to get these vaccines distributed, we need vaccination sites open, and we need to schedule far more people for the shots.  I trust those who testify on Monday will shine a light on these challenges.”

Bucks County Legislative Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact:  David Foster

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