House State Government Committee to Mark End of Election Review Hearings

April 20, 2021

WHAT: The House State Government Committee recently concluded its non-partisan and bi-partisan review of Pennsylvania’s election process and laws. Over the course of 10 hearings, the committee heard from more than 50 testifiers ranging from national election experts to county election officials, and from top Pennsylvania election officials to officials who oversee elections in other states. Pennsylvania was the only state to complete an inclusive review of its election laws and administration prior to moving legislation.

WHO: Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover) will be joined by members of the committee to discuss the insights from the hearings. Additional committee members who will address the media are: Reps. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford/Potter), Jeff Wheeland (R-Lycoming), Craig Staats (R-Bucks) and Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland).

WHEN: Wednesday, April 21, at 3 p.m.

WHERE: The lobby of the Ryan Office Building in the Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: The meeting will be streamed live at

Media contact: Greg Gross, 717.260.6374,

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