Staats Announces Major State Grant for Sellersville Sewer Project
September 18, 2018
HARRISBURG – Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) today announced that the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA), through the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Program, approved a $298,000 grant for sanitary sewer lines along Green Street in Sellersville Borough.
“I am happy to have played a role in securing this grant for Sellersville,” said Staats. “According to the CFA, the existing clay pipe sewer line on Green Street has experienced a number of failures and leaks, which, if left unfixed, could threaten public health and safety. This project will help alleviate those issues and ensure residents of a safer and more reliable system.”
The borough will use the grant to replace 1,250 linear feet of the clay pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe. The project will also include the installation of 53 service laterals and five precast concrete manholes along the project route. Total project cost is $351,000.
Representative Craig Staats
145th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
717.260.6452 /
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