Increasing Transparency in Disease-Related Reporting
The House passed legislation sponsored by Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) to make disease-related reporting fall under the Right-to-Know Law, permitting it be public knowledge
The House passed legislation sponsored by Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) to make disease-related reporting fall under the Right-to-Know Law, permitting it be public knowledge
State Rep. Craig States is attempting to introduce legislation which repeals Section 15 of the Disease Prevention and Control Act of 1955 and replaces it with a simple provision that all disease information under this Act is under the Right-to-Know Law.
Reps. Craig Staats and Chris Quinn, alongside Bucks County DA Matt Weintraub, have unveiled a package of legislation to better protect children in the Pennsylvania child welfare system. The bills are crafted in honor of Grace Packer, a 14-year-old girl who was murdered in Bucks County by her adoptive mother and her adoptive mother’s boyfriend in 2016.
During PA House debate, PA State Rep. Craig Staats speaks in favor of the Voting Rights Protection Act.
After months of public hearings and information gathering, new voting reforms are on the way. The House State Government Committee, on which I serve, advanced House Bill 1300, a comprehensive voting rights bill that would update our election laws and help to ensure the integrity of our elections.
At a public hearing on PPE procurement, storage and distribution, State Representative Craig Staats asks about event alternatives for the Pa. Farm Show Building while storing PPE items.
House passes Staats' Bill to Strengthen penalties for upskirting
Representative Craig Staats questions Elizabeth Waggenseller concerning the closure of Harrisburg's Keystone Building during the pandemic.
Representative Craig Staats questions Thad Hall and Hope Verelst at a State Gov't Committee hearing concerning Pennsylvania election laws.
State Representative Craig Staats questions a testifier at a State Gov't Committee hearing concerning Pennsylvania election laws.
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